Cattle Oiler

Choosing the right pest control program for cattle can be expensive and frustrating for cattlemen. The Lewis Cattle Oiler provides effective, year-long control of all major pests to cattle. Treatment is effective throughout varying life cycles and feeding habits. Controlling pests “The Lewis Way” saves time and minimizes the cost-per-animal. The convenience of the self-treatment system eliminates stress caused by extra trips through the chute. Our treatment is even safe for dairy cattle!
How the Cattle Oiler Works
A cattle oiler applies a hide-deep topical insecticide to your livestock as they satisfy their natural instinct to scratch. The insecticide leaves a residue on the cattle’s coat and hide to kill pests on contact. As fly season wears on, fly populations generally increase. Unlike ear tags which lose their potency over time, the Lewis Cattle Oiler provides the opportunity for year long re-treatment. This insures the insecticide remains at full strength to kill pests as long as they are present.

As cattle scratch, the wick compresses against the center chain causing drops to squeeze out and spread onto the coat. While they are scratching the adjustable pump recharges the wick. You get effective control without over-treatment. The 8-chain harness also provides extra protection for the wick while providing aggressive scratching surface for your cattle.
Horn Flies
The horn fly has developed resistance to ear tags. As a result some chemical companies have suggested using 2 ear tags. This however, doubles costs and the risk of infection. Prove an ear tag did not provide adequate horn fly control and the manufacturing company will usually refund your money. Who, for instance, pays for your lost time or lower weights from the stresses of a trip through a chute? The continuous treatment to the hide of your herd provided by the Lewis Cattle Oiler is second to none.
Any one-time control product is risky. Studying the life cycle of lice reveals the risk of herd re-infestation from not using continuous application.
Even if all nymphs and adult lice are killed, they will still leave behind nits that hatch every day, for up to 21 days.

Lewis Cattle Oiler No Feeder
Most topical insecticides leave a residue that will continue to kill the nymphs as they hatch. Meanwhile, if it rains or the residue doesn’t last a full 21 days, lice may reappear (even in winter after a one-time fall treatment).
No cattleman wants to see any animal become re-infested with lice. For the cow/calf operator it is a real dilemma. Don’t risk running your pregnant cows through the chute. Don’t let her pass lice on to her calf. Let her scratch, meanwhile treating her. Keep her and her calf healthy and happy year-round!
This system is effective in controlling both orders of lice. It allows for year-long treatment required to effectively control both chewing and sucking lice, and the nits they leave behind. Proper treatment requires continuously killing new lice as they hatch from the nits, all year long.
Host-parasite reactions caused by competing louse control systems should not be used when grubs are in the the esophagus or spinal canal. This makes the Lewis Cattle Oiler a great choice for safe, year-long treatment.
Blood Feeders
We also provide effective control against major summer-time pests. Our oiler is highly effective against face flies, blood-feeding horn, stable flies and mosquitoes that land on your cattle. Subsequently, the flies come in to contact with the insecticide from having scratched against our oiler.
Model 835 Upright Cattle Oiler
Lewis Cattle Oiler With Feeder Front View Lewis Cattle Oiler With Feeder Rear View Lewis Cattle Oiler With Feeder Side View
- An 8-Gallon Reservoir
- Auto Drape Oiler
- 3-Chain Synthetic Wick
- Automatic Pumping Feature with Total Volume Control
- Large Loop for Moving Oiler
Find the service manual here: Lewis Cattle Oiler Service Manual