Documents and Media

Resistance to ear tags and re-infestation during calving are common problems faced by the modern cattleman. More cattlemen are recognizing the importance of providing year-long treatment for effective year-long control of parasites. Keep your equipment running smooth using our documents and media.
Spring & Summer:
Face flies, horn flies, stable flies and mosquitoes are all major pests. They cause weight and profit loss by disrupting feeding behavior and spreading diseases such as pink eye.
As temperatures drop, flies keep warm by remaining under the coats of your cattle. Though not as visible, the flies must still be treated.
Lice can also be treated during the fall using the Lewis Cattle Oiler.
Nits, or lice eggs, can continue to hatch for up to 21 days after adults are killed. Consequently you can incur louse re-infestations, often at calving time, after any one-time louse treatment. The Lewis Cattle Oiler provides the continuous treatment required to kill the lice as they hatch.
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- To directly download the service manual, click here.